I need to automate 3 tasks: printing of documents on the office printer, converting text documents to PDF format and converting images to JPG.
Most business deal with a substantial amount of documents. Whether it's vendor and customer invoices or extensive white papers, you need a way to handle your workflow in the most efficient manner possible. Otherwise, you run the risk of letting important papers slip through the cracks. Automating as much of your workflow process as possible creates a more productive business environment and helps you avoid costly errors.
For example, let's say your company prints a significant amount of customer invoices and design proofs. These are critical documents you need stored for future reference and record keeping. They may be saved in a format that needs converted, such as changing .docx to PDF for ease of use and standardized formatting. In your current workflow, you'd need to convert the documents to their final format and print each document as you go. Wouldn't it be great if there was a more efficient way to get your customer invoices and design proofs printed and converted?
Consider implementing a software solution that detects files saved to a specific folder on your file server. When a file is added to that server location, the software automatically prints out a copy and runs a conversion process to change your invoice file formats to PDFs and your customer proofs to JPG. You cut out a lot of wasted manpower by automating the entire process instead of handling each file manually. In addition, this cuts down on the possibility of missing a conversion or a printed invoice since you no longer need to manually send these commands.
FolderMill is a software solution designed to facilitate this type of automation. The software is installed on a network server, not any individual workstations, making implementation a quick and painless process. It supports over 40 document types and exports into 4 formats: PDF, JPG, PNG, and TIFF.